Saturday, September 02, 2006

A day for pleasant rambling

Such a lovely day, and it's not over yet.
A walk along the beach from Elwood to Brighton and breckie at Brighton Baths was a much appreciated change of routine. Spring is here with a vengeance in Melbourne. The smell in the air, particularly in the evenings, is quite distracting. I had promised myself a walk by the beach this week and, though it took me until Saturday to make it happen, it was well worth the wait. Having the Argonaut with me was a bonus; a break from his routine, some fresh air and some exercise.
Sharp beaked little birds (I am NOT bird watcher) were dive bombing the water and picking out small fish, the succulents along the walking track have sprouted yellow flowers and every dog in the State was out for a swim and some rear end sniffing. Bless em!
No plans is a joy isn't it although whenever I think of that I also think of those people who never have plans, have nothing to plan for, no one to plan with. A different kettle of fish altogether. For us, however, we made a pilgrimage to Hampton Market where some delicious lamb, baby carrots and pontiac potatoes were snapped up for a simple but - fingers crossed - tasty roast dinner tonight. Being away from the house so much this week means the nesting bug has bitten me, leading to patio cleaning, reading in the garden and good intentions to get the spare room spick and span for the Argonaut's mother who arrives again tomorrow.
I read a David Sedaris short story last night, one I have read before but this time it is in a collection of authors' favourite writings called 'This is my very best'. It is interesting to see how successful authors view their own work. Some are incredibly tentative about choosing their best, some refuse outright, one apparently claimed it was akin to being asked to isolate his favourite child.
I have picked up a few good books at the library this afternoon - including The Book of Revelations which has recently been made into an Australian movie.
Tomorrow I have an all-day MasterClass (wanky name for it!) with Martyn Bedford at the Melbourne Writers Festival.
Does a girl get any luckier?
10 minutes are up - off to see how the lamb's cooking ...


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